Student of the month

Monday, July 4, 2011

Summer Reading

Asalam Alikum all,

How is you summer so far?  I miss you all!!

Please remember to read during your afternoons, turn off the television or your video games.  It is extremely important to keep up your reading skills. 

I will put up new websites on the blog that you can play and learn at the same time.

Have a great summer and I will see you next year Insha Allah.

Tr. Jessica

Friday, June 17, 2011

End of the Year Celebration/ Homework/up comming Field trips

For Saturday: please bring your child with their clothes on. They need to be in their class by 10am Insha Allah.

Homework:  Bring a large zip lock bag.  We will be getting ready for our departure and I have collected several things from different students and I will be giving them back.  All next week I will not be giving any homework. However, I will be sending a package for the summer.

Some of the students have borrowed books from the class library please bring them  back before Friday if possible. If you do come across any of the school books you may return them in September or drop them off in the office.  I will start to send some the students work next week.

If you have not yet send the money for the field trip please do so by Monday 20th. I wanted to let you know that the principal is well aware of the field trips that the students will be involve in, I apologize as we missed to have the principal signature on the form before sending it home.

On Thursday, the grade 2's and 6 would like to take the students to Britannia Park to have their end of the year party.    I spoke to Principal Noha and she has agreed. We will be walking to the park the two options are:
1. the students can get dropped off at the park in the morning and I will be there to meet them and only walk back to school to be pick up at 3:30
2. dropped off at school but they will need to walk back and forth.
This trip has been done by the school with lower gardes before and it has been successful.
This field trip will provide the students with the opportunity put into practice many things they learned throughout the year.  We will not only have fun but I will also be doing mini lesson based on the activities.

 I will be sending the form next week.  I will need at least 5/6 volunteers to have a safe and fun trip.
I did talk to the students about it and they like the idea.  Please send me your input or comments at this weekend in order for me to make the proper arrangements.  I will also be send you an email regarding the students party. 

Report cards will be given on Friday June 24,2011.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Students can practice singing the song with the expressions we learned today.
I have send home the field trip form for the trip on June 21st.  Teacher Nancy our librarian will be joining us as well.  The students have learned a great deal from her.
 Please return it as soon as possible.
The field trip for Wednesday 22nd has been moved to Thrursday 23rd, details to come tomorrow.

I would like to remind you that tomorrow will be a short day at school.  Students are to be picked up from the gym at 12:30 pm.

Grade two's presentation will be on Saturday June 18th.  Please make sure that your child is in the class by 10:00 am for the final touches. They should come dress with their green or brown clothes.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


  • I need all the students to bring their green or brown clothes that they will be wearing for the end of the year presentation to school tomorrow Insha Allah.

  • I am planning for two school field trips for next week Tuesday 21 and Wedsneday 22. I will send out the forms tomorrow Insha Allah.
On Tuesday we will going to the Center Point Library.  If your child does not have a library card and wish to obtain one please fill out the forms provided in the envelop and return by Friday the latest. This will give the librarian ample to get the students cards ready and will allowed them to check out books.

  • Another reminder:  Please send the scholastics back if you are interrested in ordering.  I will place the class order tomorrow, I should recieve it by Monday or Tuesday.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Asalam Alikum, The students do not have homework.
I only ask that they practice the song for the end of the year celebration.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Spelling Lesson 36

I was unable to post the words in the ussual spot.
hole, recheck, paw, mouth, food, good, now, tall, return, whole, right, unkind, talk, soil, boot, wood, toy, wall, unlike, write.


Asalam Alikum

Dear parents, the students will not have homework this weekend except for practicing for the end of the year presentation.  Some of students have express to me that they wanted to keep it a secret and want it to be a surprice.  Can you please just remind them to practice.

I have posted a few website for the students to practice their 3D shapes.

On Monday we will be doing some experiments on Movement. I had asked the students to bring toy cars and small balls for today but we were unable to use them.  Can you please send them again on Monday.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Spelling lesson #36 due next Tuesday.

I gave the students a copy of the lyrics for the song they will be learning for the end of the year presentation.  Here is the link for it. Please let them listen to the song and follow along with the lyrics.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Science:  look around and find solids that float in liquids.  Let your child look around the house or outside for solid materials that will float in liquids.  Let them experiment.  You may fill the kitchen sink with some water and let them keep track of the materials that float and bring them to school the next day.  The students can write the list of items in their diary.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Reading worksheet page 34.
Spelling lesson 35 due tomorrow.
Non-Arabic Speakers practice for the test.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Spelling lesson #35, sentences due Monday and the workbook due Tuesday.

In math we took up area of a shape you may practice with your son/daughter. They may use any unit of measurements. I have added a website you may use.

As you know we are working on our solids and liquids in Science.  I have asked the students to bring one piece of fruit cut up and a small yogurt for Monday. Four students offer to bring mango juice these students do not need to bring the fruit. We will do several hands on project during this unit which the students will enjoy.

Have a good long weekend.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Math: page 77 from workbook
Spelling lesson #35 write 10 sentences for Monday

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Note home.

Science Lesson #1. "What is Matter?"
Spelling test tomorrow lesson #34.
Work on your French project.

I have several students who have not brought their library books back and have over due book fines please make sure that your child bring back their book as soon as possible to avoid adding to the late charges.

The class will be going for a short nature walk to look for textured items. Please send a small zip lock bag.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Language: Spelling lesson 34 due Tuesday, and 10 sentences.
Science: Find something smooth, rough, hard and runny. What else can you find?  this is to be done in the diary.
French:  Project due Thursday. Describe your house.

Sing and return math test.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Spelling: Lesson 34 Due Monday. I will assign the sentences on Monday if you like you may start.

Math Quiz on Monday on page 67-74.  The students took their orange folder and math workbook.

for those who have not brought their posters please do so by Monday.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


language:  one page on prefix. the page with the sentences.

Math: The worksheet on flips, turns, and slides if you want as extra practice they may do the page on symmetry.
The math quiz will be on Monday everything they need to know is based on the homework they have done.  I will be sending the math vocabulary for this chapter tomorrow.

Some of the students have not brought their posters please make sure that they bring them tomorrow.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Math: symmetry worksheet some students were able to finish during class.
Language: underline the subject and predicate.  Make sure your son or daughter has a red and blue pencil crayon for Tuesday.  Spelling will be due when they come back.
2 posters for Tuesday.

I have the students two small pieces of color paper and four pieces of construction papers.  They need to trace their hands and cut them out carefully. They should end up with ten hands, you may help them cut out the hands some students still have a hard time cutting along the edges. Bring them back on Tuesday cut please they will not have time to cut or trace them if they did not do it at home.

Math we started to look at new vocabulary; flips, turns and slides. help them by asking them what the difference is.
Language we were practicing writing proper sentences and writing paragraphs.

Read with your child and have a wonderful long weekend.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Start on spelling lesson 33.  Due Tuesday.

For Language we practice writing complete sentences. For the ten sentences the students wrote last night, some of the students need to make corrections.  Please help your child.
They need to write:
  • date
  • lesson # 33.
  • number the sentences 
  • skip one or two line before starting the new sentence
  • start at the red line
  • new line for each sentence
  • print neat and clear
  • make sure the sentences are complete and make sense
They had math homework but the we had photocopier problems and I could not print enough copies for all of them.  If you want to practice with them we are working on lines of symmetry.  Today they cut out the cookies they had for homework yesterday and they folded it at the line they drew to make sure it was the line of symmetry.
I found a wonder website that they can practice, please try it.  I posted the link.

Hot lunch tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Spelling lesson 33, write 10 sentences.  The words are posted on the blog.

Math worksheet the students have to find the line of symmetry for each of the cookie cut outs. some shapes might have more than one line of symmetry.

In science we have been talking about pollution. Discuss with your child ways on how to keep the air and water clean.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Reading page 32.
Spelling test tomorrow lesson 32.
Islamic Studies test was given today please sign and return.

Remember to buy two posters and bring a Tonnie for those who have not done so yet.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Math one worksheet.
Reading comprehension page 31.
Spelling due tomorrow.

French homework.
I did not send the duo tangs with the students today to place their worksheet, please make sure they write their name.

Assalamu Alaikum dear parents:  Hope you had a restful weekend.  Our class is working on a few special projects for math and language.  I have asked the students to please bring a Tonnie to cover some of the expenses.

I will also need the students to bring two Bristol board for Tuesday24th. They may choose any color they like.

Jazakum mulakhairen for your understanding.


Friday, May 13, 2011


Math two worksheets.

Reading worksheet -Fun in the Sun

Complete lesson 32.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Spelling:  Write 10 sentences in the diary
Math: Complete page 68 in the workbook
I.S.:  Study for the test

Arabic Speakers:  Spelling test Friday, on sentences 1 and 2 from Huda's Story.  You can find it in the students folder.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Math: Worksheet page 217
Reading page 28
Science due tomorrow
Study for Spelling Test, Islamic Studies.

Monday, May 9, 2011


  • Reading Comprehension: " Cookie Bandit"
  • Math: Parents note and worksheet. Please sign the parents note and return.
  • Spelling lesson #31 due tomorrow.
  • Science: continue to keep track of the amount of water used  #12.  Use a tally.

  • On the first page of your child's agenda,  please write your home address.
  • If you wanted to place an order from Scholastic please send it tomorrow.

Social Studies test tomorrow.

  • how to draw a map key
  • how to draw a simple map
  • how to follow directions 
  • fill in a compass rose

Friday, May 6, 2011


Reading worksheet " Pets on Parade", they may also finish page 16 on the paragraph keys.
Spelling Complete lesson 31.
Science continue to keep track of the water usage.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Study for the math test tomorrow.

Complete sentences for lesson 31.

Hot lunch  tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Practice for the Math test this Friday.
Language page 16 only.
Spelling 10 sentences for Friday. Lesson 31 Due next Wednesday.

Sign and return Language and Spelling test.
Students do not need to bring back the Islamic Studies book till Monday of next week.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Language Page 15 only please.
Spelling test tomorrow.
Remember to bring your library book.
Math practice for math quiz. It will take place this Friday.  Some of the students were not prepare for it today.

Do not forget your veggies.

Tomorrow is the toy sale.  Send some money with your child to help out the JK with their graduation.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Language page 14 only please.

Practice for your Math Quiz. Practice subtraction using Base Ten Blocks as well as different ways of showing a number.  I have added a link on place value.

I.S.  have your parent read to you or you can read to them, one Unit every night and answer the questions at the end of the each unit. Please bring the books back tomorrow. The students will be taking them back and forth for the next week until the test.

There are several notes that went home today.

A survey from the school board and the Class New Letter

I have noticed that the students are not eating fruits or vegetables during their snacks or lunches.  For the next week I will be giving them points for healthy eating habits.  I would like to remind you that I do not aloud them to eat sugary food.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Asalam Alikum;
Dear Parents, I heard many wonderful things about the students. They all came back very excited with many stories to share. To take advantage of this opportunity I asked them to take their  diaries home and write about their experience at the museum and the Imax movie.

Math place value worksheet.  May 3rd will be their end of the Unit test.
Science continue to fill in the the worksheet on "Ways I Use Water"(11A). Make sure you only complete Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

On Monday I will be given a quiz on common nouns and proper nouns.  I will review prior to the test.

I.S.  We have finished our unit on I Love Muhammad (PBUH).  We will have a test on May 12th.
topics that will be cover are.  All the stories are based on the Life of  Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
  • Aam-ul-Feal, The Year of the Elephant
  • Muhammad: The Praised Child
  • The Orphan
  • The Blessed Young Man
  • As-Sadiq Al:Ameen: The Truthfull the Trusted
  • The Happy Marriage
  • Zaid Bin Harithah
  • Prophet Muhammad Loves Children.
Non Arabic Speakers have a test on Monday.

    Wednesday, April 27, 2011


    Math worksheet on grouping.
    Reading comprehension" Outdoor Fun".
    Spelling write ten sentences due on Friday. Also start working on Spelling lesson 30, due next Tuesday.
     I.S:  All presentations and writen work need to be handed in tomorrow due to the field trip.

    The not be able to buying anything at the filed trip.  Do not send money with your child. They have to bring their lunch from home and they will eat their snack before leaving.

    Tuesday, April 26, 2011


    Math worksheet.
    Spelling test tomorrow.

    Some students did not complete their homework. These students need  to sign the form and completed the assigned homework.  Some students wanted to hand in their work at the end of the day please remind them that homework is to be handed in at the beginning of the day not at the end.

    Friday 29th is our Field trip please send the form as soon as you can I would like to have them all in by Thursday the latest.

    Thursday, April 21, 2011


    Asalam Alikum,
      Dear parents just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow Friday the 22nd and Monday 25th.  Enjoy your long weekend.

    Science: The students have two worksheets on the water cycle. Please help them complete Lesson 10A. You will find them all in their yellow folder.
    There will be a Science quiz on Wednesday.  We have gone over everything the quiz should not take them very long.
    • The three states of water 
    • Water Cycle
    • What can water do?
    • What can air do?
    • definitions:  mass,water vapor, condense, evaporates, ice, and  freeze.
    .Math: Two worksheets on Place Value.  I send home the Math Test please sign it and return it. May 3rd we will have our final Quiz on Place Value Unit.

    Spelling: Lesson 29 is due on Tuesday when they come back. Ask them to write sentences using the spelling word for extra practice. I did not write it on the homework board but it is good practice for them.
    Sign the Test for last week and write the mistakes three times each word.
    Some students were asked to copy their words once not because they were wrong but due to messy writing please make sure your child those this.  Encourage them to write neat please.

    Language practice what are nouns, pronouns ,proper nouns, verbs and adjectives.  We have taken Quotation marks and students should know how to use them. Ask your child questions and let them answer.

    Islamic Studies; The students have their presentations next week make sure they practice.  They will not be reading from cue cards.

    Wednesday, April 20, 2011


    Science worksheet.
    Spelling Lesson #29.
    Read at ten minutes.

    Tomorrow is Green Thursday.

    Look for today's Special Announcement. You will find it in the Announcement Page.

    Monday, April 18, 2011


    Reading worksheet.

    Islamic Studies: From the Seerah- the life of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), students will find a story/Hadith that they would like to share with the class and presented to them. Please help your child find a story/Hadith. The presentations schedule was given to the students today.. 

    Sign Spelling test, if there were any misspelled works they are to be written three times each.

    Thursday, April 14, 2011


    Math worksheet.  Please let your child add Ones and Tens blocks to solve the problem.  There will be a Math Test on Monday on Place Value.
    Spelling Write 5-10 sentences in the diary for tomorrow.
    Science:  the students have to fill in the clouds with the cotton that I have them.

    French worksheet for tomorrow.

    Some of the students have some corrections and need to complete it for tomorrow.

    Wednesday, April 13, 2011


    Spelling Lesson # 28 due next Tuesday.

    Sign and return Language papers.

    The math worksheet was not given.

    Monday, April 11, 2011


    Arabic Speakers:  Copy "Man Annah" the first and second line for tomorrow.  Make sure to write neatly.

    Islamic Studies: Students were asked to pick three headings for " I Love My Prophet (p)! "
    They need to draw a picture and tell why they picked that particular heading.

    Sign Spelling Test and complete lesson #27 due tomorrow.
    Math : Practice place value, we are learning were to find numbers on the number line.  We are also learning how to know if we are close or far from a particular number and by how much using ten blocks.

    Friday, April 8, 2011


    Students have to write 10 - 15 sentences using the spelling list words.


    Thursday, April 7, 2011


    Spelling:  Lesson #27
    Writing Assignment: The students were asked to write a letter to me indicating which job they would like to help with in the class.  The student should indicate which job they would like and give three reasons that explain why they think they are best candidate for this position. Some of the jobs that they may request are; Board Eraser, Cleanliness Monitors, Desk Monitor, Delivery Person, Homework reminders etc.  Students may choose other jobs not mention.   
    Math practice finding numbers on a number line.

    Monday, April 4, 2011


    Spelling Unit 26 due tomorrow.

    Science: Worksheet on the different states of matter. Practice the glossary words with your child please.
    Reading:  The students may choose to read any book they have at home.

    All the students need to bring an extra picture of themselfs if they have one for their porfolio.

    Toonie Tuesday is tomorrow.  Students may wear anything they like but do not forget your Toonie.

    Friday, April 1, 2011


    Language: Reading comprehension worksheet.
    Math: practice place values,  for those who have math Jump Math you can work on pages 41, 42,43 and 44. In 2.2. here is a link for those who do not have the book. Remember that the work is similar but not the same as the homework given.

    Diary:  Please have your child write the remaining ten words in sentences.  When you check their work please make sure they have skipped lines and their writing is neat. I will correct all  of the sentences next week.

    Thursday, March 31, 2011


    Science, bring empty cans and juice/milk boxes.
    Math practice place value.  Math jump: 2.1 page 38 and 40.  ( you can try doing this worksheet and bring it tomorrow for those students who did not get a math Jump Book).

    Islamic Studies:  Study the following hadeeth. Omar(radi andlahu an) reported that the prophet (PBUH) said: "You will not be a complete believer until you love me more than yourself."

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011


    Spelling lesson #26 due next Tuesday.  In the students diary have them write sentences using the bonus words for tomorrow.
    Sign Spelling Test and write your mistakes three times each word.
    Health:    students are to go to the link and complete "My Food Guide".  Simple help them follow the directions.  This will help them learn food choices.

    Arabic Speakers:  Write 1 sentence describing each season ( spring, summer, fall, winter).

    Look in the Announcement Page.

    Tuesday, March 29, 2011

    Please scroll to the bottom to "Pages" and you will notice a new page title announcements.  I will be posting school announcements there.  I have started today with the SK bake sale. 


    Spelling test tomorrow.
    Language worksheet.  Some students need to make corrections to yesterdays worksheet.
    Social Studies:  I went over the worksheet on "Around Town", the students just need to complete it. On the back of "Around Town" worksheet is "My Neighborhood" please help your child draw a map. The students do not need to do a Map Key we will do this in class.

    Library class tomorrow, please make sure your child brings their reading book.  If your child has any over due books or fines please send it with them tomorrow.  Remember that fines will accumulate.

    The class is in need of rags to wipe tables etc.  If you have any old face towel you no longer need please donate them to the class. JZK

    Monday, March 28, 2011


    Language worksheet.
    If your child did not bring their white language folder please remind them that the homework must be handed in the folder.  If they mention that they lost it please provide them with a new one.  I do not want students handing in loose pieces of paper.

    I.S.:  Masha Allah most of the students did great explaining what their name means and telling us about the background.  Please ask your child if they presented. If he/she did not feel prepare to share with us, tomorrow will be their last opportunity.  Have your child write notes to remember.

    Spelling: lesson 25 is due tomorrow and test on Wednesday.  Practice writing creative sentences. 

    Math homework was not assigned today but please continue with the unit on time if you like.

    Friday, March 25, 2011


    Math Jump: page 144, 145.
    For those students that do not have the Math Jump book the pages above explain how the hour hand moves a little as the minute hand moves and we say it is after _____ o'clock. Example if is 2:20AM  you can say it is after 2 o'clock You may practice with your child.
    Since we have finished with the unit on time i will not be assigning work on this unit you may continue on your own and complete it if you like. However I will not correct it.

    Language worksheet.

    Islamic Studies, students are to find out what their name means and if they are named after a sahaba.

    Spelling lesson #25 due Tuesday.

    French:  All the students are required to have a poster for French class on Monday.

    Thursday, March 24, 2011


    Math Jump page 142 in book 2.2.
     For those students that do not have the math jump on a piece of paper make a clock face.

    Language worksheet.
    Sign Spelling test.

    Arabic speakers: Dictation for tomorrow page 33, from the students text book.

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011


    Spelling test tomorrow.
    Language students have to draw what comes next.
    Library Skills, this worksheet has to be completed for tomorrow.  Tr. Nancy will take up the answers with them.  All of the students did a similar worksheet in Library class today.

    The Math Jump books have arrived. I will be given them tomorrow Insha Allah.  If you have any questions please fell free to contact me.
    For those parents who did not get a chance to order the first time around, I will inform you if enough request are made for a second order.

    Monday, March 21, 2011


    Math worksheet
    language worksheet on sequence.
    Social Studies, most of the students have finish the mapping worksheet but a few students took it home to complete. 
    Reading:  Please read with your child.

    Please make sure that your son/daughter come prepare for the weather. 

    Friday, March 11, 2011

    March Break

    Aslam Alikum;

    Dear Parents and Students,  Insha Allah you have a well deserve  March Break.

    I have given the students a package of worksheets to do over the break.  You will find the instructions in the folder.  All students must return the folder after March break.

    Spelling test will be March 23rd Insha Allah.

    I would like you to encourage your child to read daily and keep a track of the books they have read.  I would like each student to have read at least 10 books by May 31,2011. Upon completion of our goal the students will receive a certificate from scholastics.

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    Friendly Reminder and Homework

     Dear Parents:

    Asalam Alikum,  I would like to ask you and remind you that if your child is sick to keep them at home.  I've had several occasions where students come to school sick, when I ask if they had inform an adult of their symptoms and they say yes, in either case I do call home to verify.  We ask that they stay home as they are not productive at school and pass on their illness to other children.

    Picture forms and Hot Lunch are due on March 11,2011.

    Spelling due tomorow.
    Islamic Studies worksheet.
    Reading:  Students took their diaries home today please have your child write a brief description of what they are reading regardless of how much they have read.

    They should write down:
    • Title
    • Character/s
    • Setting and
    • A paragraph summarizing the book, chapter, pages ect... of what they have read.
    Arabic Speakers:  Practice reading the lesson on page 68-69. You will find this in the students folder.

    Friday, March 4, 2011


    Spelling Lesson #23 due Tuesday.  On the last section of their spelling please make sure they use some of the bonus words.

    Reading students will be told who their reading buddies are next week. 

    Pizza form please complete and return.

    Picture forms were given today please return them by March 11th.

    Have a good weekend.  continue to practice time with your child as well as the contractions.

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011


    Science:  The students are learning about Air and Water.  Today they need to hold their spiral and hold it over a heater and note what happens.  Each student took their dairy home let them write what their observations were.


    If your child forgot to return his or her library book please send it tomorrow.

    Green Thursday tomorrow.

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011


    Math worksheet.
    English worksheet.
    Arabic speaker practice speech.
    Non-Arabic cut out pictures.
    Science experiment what shape those water take.

    Spelling test tomorrow.


    Friday, February 25, 2011


    Math worksheet.  Please practice with your children telling time.

    English worksheet.

    Reading, next week students will start reading to their little buddy.

    Scholastic book order are due on Monday.

    Thursday, February 24, 2011


    French worksheet for tomorrow.

    Math please help your child learn quarter pass and quarter to.  We took up the lesson today.   If you can please try to buy your son/daughter an analog watch.

    English worksheet "Summer Fun''.

    Arabic speaker practice reading for the Arabic Play.

    Tomorrow hot lunch.

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011


    Spelling test next Wednesday.  Work on lesson#22 due next Tuesday.

    Practice telling time with your son-daughter.

    Green Thursday tomorrow.


    Assalamu Alaikum dear parents:  please note that on Thursday February 24th, Abraar students (grade 4-8) are running the science fair in the gym for the whole day.  As a result, you need to pick up your child at the end of the day from class between 3:30-3:45pm inshallah.  If you arrive after 3:45pm, your child will be in the hallway beside the office inshallah.

    JAK for your help and cooperation.

    Thursday, February 17, 2011


    All students need to bring 2 pencils to school as well as an eraser.

    Spelling :  Lesson #21 due Wednesday.Test next Wednesday February 23rd.
    Math worksheet on time.
    Science on the back of the math worksheet write down 2 ways to use water or air.
    Jump Math workbook orders have been expected till the end of next week.

    As the majority of  students bought the Math Jump Book I will be assigning their homework from there. To compensate for those students who did not bought the book I will be sending a math link for their math homework. If the students have their math jump work book they will not be required to do both worksheets.

    Tuesday, February 15, 2011


    Math worksheet.

    Spelling lesson #20 due tomorrow.

     Library books please return them tomorrow.  Some students have late fines please look in their agenda for

    Arabic Speakers: Please practice reading out loud 3-5 for tomorrow "The Angry Rabbit".

    Students have picture day tomorrow they must wear their uniform.
    Jump Math book orders are due tomorrow Feb 16th, and the scholastic are due Feb 28th.

    Monday, February 14, 2011


    Math: Practice counting by 5's and complete money worksheet.

    Please have your son/daughter bring a picture we will be discussing "Air and Water".  The picture can be a personal picture of cut out from magazine.

    Spelling due Wednesday.  Spelling test on Thursday just for this week.  I have posted several lessons under the Spelling pages if you want to go ahead.

    Arabic: Reading test on page 1-2 from "The Angry Rabbits"  found in student folder. Please read out loud several times.

    Jump Start book forms were sent today.  Please return as soon as possible.
    Scholastic form orders for Feb went home today, since I was away the students who had placed January orders will be here by the end of this week  Insha Allah.

    Friday, February 11, 2011


    Asalam Alikum,

    Spelling work  on lesson #20. I would like to see all the students do well please.

    Today Masha Allah the students learned a lot about bullying.  Please asked them about today's day.  We will be working a lot on the topic next week.

    Please study for your Quran on Monday.

    Tuesday, February 8, 2011

    Spelling list # 19

    This week the test will take place on Friday Feb 11th.

    Shell,gather,shape,shore,thick, shout,shut,crash,then,thin,math,

    I have sent an update of my return to school via e-mail. If you have not received it please e-mail me at with your child's' name and proper e-mail address and I will forward it to you tomorrow or as soon as I receive it.

    Jazakum. For your understanding.


    Monday, February 7, 2011

    Wednesday, January 26, 2011


    Spelling lesson #18 due next Tuesday.
    Sign spelling test.
    Work on Science project which will include reading.

    Students will have a Qu'ran test next week.

    Monday, January 24, 2011


    Students will not be given extra homework unless necessary.
    • All students are to be working on their Science project.

    • I need all the rubrics back sign by tomorrow please.

    I have noticed that some students have been misplacing their pencils during the day. I would like all the students to bring an extra pencil from home in case they can not find it.

    Thursday, January 20, 2011


    Students were given a Science project to work on this will be the last of the projects on our Animal Unit.

    Two rubrics were given back today please sign them and return them to school.
    • The smaller rubric is for the "Taste of the World" recipe.
    • The full size page is for the Book report.
    Please send non-perishable food items for the food bank, tomorrow is the last day.  We will also be using some of those items to find their perimeter.

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011


    Math worksheet.
    Spelling lesson # 17 due next Tuesday.
    Sign spelling test.

    Arabic speakers: Sign dictation and class activity worksheet.

    Tomorrow is Green Thursday.

    The students are Abraar  School are collecting non-perishable food items for the Sadaka food bank please donate generously. Donations will be taken till Friday.

    Tuesday, January 18, 2011


    Math: last chance to bring cut out of cake pan or the cake pan.  Complete page 51.
    Journal: write 6 sentences using a pronoun.  Example:  I like to do my homework.
    Read daily about 5 -10 min.

    spelling test tomorrow lesson 16.
    Library: Please bring your books back tomorrow to avoid late charges.

    Arabic Speakers:  Copy  form your book the pages assign, practice reading the paragraph and return book tomorrow.

    Monday, January 17, 2011


    Math: worksheet
    Spelling lesson #16 due tomorow.


    Please send with your child the cut out of the cake pan, or the actual cake pan. They will not be returned till Wednesday or Thursday of this week.

    Friday, January 14, 2011

    Class work

    Asalam Alikum, 

    Dear parents,  for Monday's class the students will need a cut out of a cake top, if you can send this with your child it would be appreciated it. You may trace the top of a cake pan on bristle board, card board or other item that is tough. The cake top may be any shape or size. Irregular shapes are fine such as heart etc. If you can not trace the cake pan you may send the pan with your child, I will return them by Wednesday Insha Allah.


    Book Report is due for the second half of the students. For those students Whose book report was due on Friday and did not hand it in they may bring it in on Monday.

    Spelling: student are to complete lesson #16.  The test will be on Wednesday  Jan 19th.

    Math worksheet. Please practice estimating objects that are one meter in length or more.

    Friday, January 7, 2011


    Math: page 44,45.
    Islamic Studies:  page 52,53.

    Reading:  learn your lines for the play.

    Thursday, January 6, 2011


    Spelling: Spelling lesson #15 due Tuesday Jan 11th.

    Sign spelling test.

    Islamic Studies complete page 52 and 53 for Monday.

    Wednesday, January 5, 2011


    Math worksheet.  I have also sent a note home.

    Spelling lesson #15 due next week on Tuesday.

    Please do not forget to send indoor shoes for your child.

    Tuesday, January 4, 2011


    Students will have a spelling test tomorrow on lesson #14.

    Students should be preparing for their book report presentation.

    Arabic: Practice reading and write in your journal.

    Quran Surah Al Inshiqaq

    Monday, January 3, 2011


    Asalam Alikum, It was nice to see all the students back.

    All students need their indoor shoes.
    Finish spelling lesson #14, as well as study for this week test.
    Please finish book report.