Islamic studies: Next Monday I will be asking the students to tell me the dua when loosing something.
"Allahuma ya jami'a-nnasi liyawmin la rayba feeh, rudda alayya dallatee"
"Oh Allah, Who will gather people for the day that there is no doubt, return to me what I have lost,"
Arabic( speakers): Complete the two Arabic worksheets for Monday.
Student of the month
Math: Pattern worksheet. Social Studies: READ ONLY the page on Traditions and Heritage. You will find this in the blue duo tang. Spell...
Spelling: Sign test and return. All mistakes need to be written three times each on the same page of test. Math: page 22 only please. ...
Math: Worksheet I have started with them, they need to use the 100 chart. Spelling: complete ALL of lesson #6 due Tuesday, for those stude...
There is no homework for the next two days I will see you all on Thursday. Don't forget spelling test on Thursday. Friday we will ha...
Asalam Alikum, Dear parents, for Monday's class the students will need a cut out of a cake top, if you can send this with your child...
Math work sheet on estimation, students can also try praying with the link I added. Spelling: study for Wednesday test and sign spelling te...
Math: addition worksheet Study for your spelling test next week. Bring back your pizza form and your chickaDEE slips.
Science: Page 3A ( What is Inside an Egg?) Math: Growing patterns. The worksheet is double sided. Sign spelling test. Please do not fo...
Islamic studies: Next Monday I will be asking the students to tell me the dua when loosing something. "Allahuma ya jami'a-nnasi li...
Reading worksheet page 34. Spelling lesson 35 due tomorrow. Non-Arabic Speakers practice for the test.
Al salamo alikom,
ReplyDeleteDo the students have to memorize the dua in both languages?!
Yes, please I want them to know the meaning.