Student of the month

Friday, May 20, 2011


Math: symmetry worksheet some students were able to finish during class.
Language: underline the subject and predicate.  Make sure your son or daughter has a red and blue pencil crayon for Tuesday.  Spelling will be due when they come back.
2 posters for Tuesday.

I have the students two small pieces of color paper and four pieces of construction papers.  They need to trace their hands and cut them out carefully. They should end up with ten hands, you may help them cut out the hands some students still have a hard time cutting along the edges. Bring them back on Tuesday cut please they will not have time to cut or trace them if they did not do it at home.

Math we started to look at new vocabulary; flips, turns and slides. help them by asking them what the difference is.
Language we were practicing writing proper sentences and writing paragraphs.

Read with your child and have a wonderful long weekend.

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