Student of the month

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Note home.

Science Lesson #1. "What is Matter?"
Spelling test tomorrow lesson #34.
Work on your French project.

I have several students who have not brought their library books back and have over due book fines please make sure that your child bring back their book as soon as possible to avoid adding to the late charges.

The class will be going for a short nature walk to look for textured items. Please send a small zip lock bag.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Language: Spelling lesson 34 due Tuesday, and 10 sentences.
Science: Find something smooth, rough, hard and runny. What else can you find?  this is to be done in the diary.
French:  Project due Thursday. Describe your house.

Sing and return math test.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Spelling: Lesson 34 Due Monday. I will assign the sentences on Monday if you like you may start.

Math Quiz on Monday on page 67-74.  The students took their orange folder and math workbook.

for those who have not brought their posters please do so by Monday.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


language:  one page on prefix. the page with the sentences.

Math: The worksheet on flips, turns, and slides if you want as extra practice they may do the page on symmetry.
The math quiz will be on Monday everything they need to know is based on the homework they have done.  I will be sending the math vocabulary for this chapter tomorrow.

Some of the students have not brought their posters please make sure that they bring them tomorrow.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Math: symmetry worksheet some students were able to finish during class.
Language: underline the subject and predicate.  Make sure your son or daughter has a red and blue pencil crayon for Tuesday.  Spelling will be due when they come back.
2 posters for Tuesday.

I have the students two small pieces of color paper and four pieces of construction papers.  They need to trace their hands and cut them out carefully. They should end up with ten hands, you may help them cut out the hands some students still have a hard time cutting along the edges. Bring them back on Tuesday cut please they will not have time to cut or trace them if they did not do it at home.

Math we started to look at new vocabulary; flips, turns and slides. help them by asking them what the difference is.
Language we were practicing writing proper sentences and writing paragraphs.

Read with your child and have a wonderful long weekend.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Start on spelling lesson 33.  Due Tuesday.

For Language we practice writing complete sentences. For the ten sentences the students wrote last night, some of the students need to make corrections.  Please help your child.
They need to write:
  • date
  • lesson # 33.
  • number the sentences 
  • skip one or two line before starting the new sentence
  • start at the red line
  • new line for each sentence
  • print neat and clear
  • make sure the sentences are complete and make sense
They had math homework but the we had photocopier problems and I could not print enough copies for all of them.  If you want to practice with them we are working on lines of symmetry.  Today they cut out the cookies they had for homework yesterday and they folded it at the line they drew to make sure it was the line of symmetry.
I found a wonder website that they can practice, please try it.  I posted the link.

Hot lunch tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Spelling lesson 33, write 10 sentences.  The words are posted on the blog.

Math worksheet the students have to find the line of symmetry for each of the cookie cut outs. some shapes might have more than one line of symmetry.

In science we have been talking about pollution. Discuss with your child ways on how to keep the air and water clean.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Reading page 32.
Spelling test tomorrow lesson 32.
Islamic Studies test was given today please sign and return.

Remember to buy two posters and bring a Tonnie for those who have not done so yet.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Math one worksheet.
Reading comprehension page 31.
Spelling due tomorrow.

French homework.
I did not send the duo tangs with the students today to place their worksheet, please make sure they write their name.

Assalamu Alaikum dear parents:  Hope you had a restful weekend.  Our class is working on a few special projects for math and language.  I have asked the students to please bring a Tonnie to cover some of the expenses.

I will also need the students to bring two Bristol board for Tuesday24th. They may choose any color they like.

Jazakum mulakhairen for your understanding.


Friday, May 13, 2011


Math two worksheets.

Reading worksheet -Fun in the Sun

Complete lesson 32.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Spelling:  Write 10 sentences in the diary
Math: Complete page 68 in the workbook
I.S.:  Study for the test

Arabic Speakers:  Spelling test Friday, on sentences 1 and 2 from Huda's Story.  You can find it in the students folder.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Math: Worksheet page 217
Reading page 28
Science due tomorrow
Study for Spelling Test, Islamic Studies.

Monday, May 9, 2011


  • Reading Comprehension: " Cookie Bandit"
  • Math: Parents note and worksheet. Please sign the parents note and return.
  • Spelling lesson #31 due tomorrow.
  • Science: continue to keep track of the amount of water used  #12.  Use a tally.

  • On the first page of your child's agenda,  please write your home address.
  • If you wanted to place an order from Scholastic please send it tomorrow.

Social Studies test tomorrow.

  • how to draw a map key
  • how to draw a simple map
  • how to follow directions 
  • fill in a compass rose

Friday, May 6, 2011


Reading worksheet " Pets on Parade", they may also finish page 16 on the paragraph keys.
Spelling Complete lesson 31.
Science continue to keep track of the water usage.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Study for the math test tomorrow.

Complete sentences for lesson 31.

Hot lunch  tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Practice for the Math test this Friday.
Language page 16 only.
Spelling 10 sentences for Friday. Lesson 31 Due next Wednesday.

Sign and return Language and Spelling test.
Students do not need to bring back the Islamic Studies book till Monday of next week.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Language Page 15 only please.
Spelling test tomorrow.
Remember to bring your library book.
Math practice for math quiz. It will take place this Friday.  Some of the students were not prepare for it today.

Do not forget your veggies.

Tomorrow is the toy sale.  Send some money with your child to help out the JK with their graduation.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Language page 14 only please.

Practice for your Math Quiz. Practice subtraction using Base Ten Blocks as well as different ways of showing a number.  I have added a link on place value.

I.S.  have your parent read to you or you can read to them, one Unit every night and answer the questions at the end of the each unit. Please bring the books back tomorrow. The students will be taking them back and forth for the next week until the test.

There are several notes that went home today.

A survey from the school board and the Class New Letter

I have noticed that the students are not eating fruits or vegetables during their snacks or lunches.  For the next week I will be giving them points for healthy eating habits.  I would like to remind you that I do not aloud them to eat sugary food.